Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sgt Kevin Benderman Vigil at Ft Lewis I-5 Overpass


Lietta Ruger said...

email from Monica Benderman...see their websites;

Thank you. Kevin called last night and let me know that more than one MP told him about the vigil. You know, military families are going to present a different view to the public than what the soldiers present in private. We have heard from over 600 soldiers in the past year who are trying to find the courage to take their own personal stand. We are doing everything we can to show them that they can succeed, if it is done with dignity and respect for differing views. The worst fear of the soldiers is the public negativity and divisiveness. If we can show that the soldiers do matter, that their choice should come first, there will be many more that will cross the line.

We appreciate this.

Monica and Kevin

Nigel Baldwin said...

“Do you know who Kevin Benderman is?” an activist said.

“I couldn’t care less,” Weber said, while another man added, “Kevin’s where he belongs.”

That 'other man' could just be right! The way things are going (both in my country (the UK) and in yours), prison might be the place of honour for men and women of integrity (like Sgt. Benderman) to be.





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