Thursday, April 27, 2006

Old houses are rumored to retain their residents for a very long time ... I'm told

1 comment:

Marg. said...

Well, I have two theories about this sort of thing, having encountered it a couple of times in my lifelong rehabbing eperience. Once, in an old house we were working on for someone else, and in the house my mother lives in now.

1) She's just stuck around (or stops by) because she spent her whole life there. She sounds like she was a sweet old lady and she is probably very happy that you love her house so much.

2) What's been seen is more of a tape recording of a woman who spent her whole life very much attached to that house, and it's nothing to be concerned about.

Either one is actually fairly pleasant - we have a a lady in mom's living room, to whom I often say good morning. Just in case. :)





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