Friday, May 13, 2005

Pentagon List of Recommended Base Closings

1 comment:

amazing powers of observation said...

how do we clean up pike county ????
first realize you have a problem ,second don't go on with apathy and say "its always been done this way". shine a light on the problem . show what there doing and demand a response . show your out rage . testify to what you know . there grip on pike county is loosening do to globalization anyway . if at anytime was it to get fixed in history right now is the time . deals were always made by the biz men of pike county through alliances through the masons and other fraternal organizations . its where they planed strategy's among judges ,lawyers ,prosecutors and even the guilty. they would decide who got convicted if caught or where a deal would go down .the welfare money that was alloted for pike county was held on to very tightly . the people at the office would not volunteer any information to the poor that it was designed to help and if you applied for aid you were treated like you had the plague . the deal here was the more money they kept from the citizens the more they could put into a deal that would end up in the there private accounts . this is just a tip of the ice Burg . the fed employees always are out in town during office hours just messing around ,making deals or goofing off telling stories,jokes and lies. this is why they call pikeville progressive my ass ...its why people make fun of the place





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